Weekend watch 4/28-4/29

What I’m watching this weekend: Four's a Crowd (1938)- 1 hr 32 mins

Patric Knowles, Olivia de Havilland, Rosalind Russell, and Errol Flynn

Patric Knowles, Olivia de Havilland, Rosalind Russell, and Errol Flynn

Another piece of delightful fluff, Four's a Crowd, is an entertaining watch full of romance and slapstick humor. The hilarious confusion all begins when reporter Jean Christy (Rosalind Russell) enlists the help of Bob Lansford (Errol Flynn), a publicity man, to help save her boss, Pat Buckley's (Patrick Knowles), failing newspaper. Lansford accepts, discovering that the big client he has been trying to gets granddaughter (Olivia de Havilland) is dating Buckley. With colliding interests romance ensues and 'who loves who?' becomes the question. 


Availability: Ok.ru and on DVD

Rosalind Russell and Errol Flynn behind the scenes of Four's a Crowd (1938)

Rosalind Russell and Errol Flynn behind the scenes of Four's a Crowd (1938)

  • Ok.ru (free): https://ok.ru/video/276238371470
  • Purchase DVD: https://www.amazon.com/Fours-Crowd-Errol-Flynn/dp/B002LH42H2