

Hello! My name is Olivia. Welcome to Bing’s Basement! My basement at home is filled with old movie posters and lots and lots of framed sheet music from one of my favorite singers, Bing Crosby.

I’m 20 years old and I’ve been watching “old” movies ever since I can remember. I’ve grown up on what I prefer to call " the classics," like His Girl Friday, The Maltese Falcon, and I Love Lucy. Never heard of Deanna Durbin, Danny Kaye, or Lewis Stone? Well, these are some of my oldest friends! And I’d like to introduce them to you.

Whether you’ve always just wanted to know more about movies and what many call "The Golden Age of Cinema" or you’ve simply grown tired of the more modern fare, Bing’s Basement is for you.

People often ask me for film recommendations. You’ll find those here along with a "Weekend Watch" to help you and your family explore these gems.  I’ve also tried to make things easier by focusing on stars of the era – both the famous and the lesser known – as well as general movie categories. Don’t be put off by “film noir” or “western.” These are just great, timeless stories that anyone can enjoy.

So, break out the popcorn! And get ready for a different kind of “action!”






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