Grace Kelly Movie Recommendation #3

To Catch a Thief (1955)- 1 hr 47 mins


Entertaining from the first, To Catch a Thief, stars Cary Grant as French jewel thief, John Robie, "The Cat", who has long been retired. But when a series of burglaries are committed in his same style, Robie must prove his innocence and find the real thief. He enlists the help of an insurance broker (John Williams) who has a list of people with some of the most expensive jewels in the French Riviera, including a rich woman (Jessie Royce Landis) and her attractive daughter Frances, Grace Kelly, here in her third Hitchcock film.

To Catch a Thief offers a great cast, and a wonderful plot line that has you guessing along with Grant up to the end chase over a roof top.

- Olivia


Availability: Googleplay, Youtube, Amazon, DVD, and Blu-ray.

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