Weekend 3/23-3/24

What I’m watching this weekend: There’s Always a Woman (1938; in color) - 1 hr 21 mins

A cheery and lighthearted romantic comedy, There’s Always a Woman stars lovable Joan Blondell as Sally Reardon- the wife to Bill, a detective who has been trying to make a name for himself. However, his new business venture as a private detective hasn't been going well, and he soon returns to the D.A.'s office. This is where Sally steps in. Determined to make his failing business a success, she decides to turn detective herself! It all makes for a funny rom-com that’s made all the more delightful because of Blondell’s performance. There’s Always a Woman may be fluff to some, but it certainly is a fun piece of fluff!


Availability: Amazon, Youtube, Google play, and DVD.

  • Purchase DVD: https://www.amazon.com/Theres-Always-Woman-Mary-Astor/dp/B00ARVRCW6