Barbara Stanwyck Movie Recommendation #2

The Lady Eve (1941)- 1 hr 37 mins


I have talked a little about this wonderful film before (for more on the plot of the film, go here!). However, Stanywck is the Star of the Month, so I have a bit more to say. I want to focus in on her performance as the beguiling Lady Eve in her greatest comedic turn on the silver screen. From the moment she clunks him on the head with an apple, wealthy heir Charles Pike (Henry Fonda) is done for. To put it mildly, he didn’t see this “dame” coming. Stankwyck brings real life to Preston Sturgess's hilarious madcap script. She is cold yet emotional, cynical and at the same time kind. She makes this balancing act truly look easy. It's a performance that should not be missed!

Availability: Youtube, Googleplay, Amazon, and DVD.

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