Claudette Colbert Movie Recommendation #2

The Palm Beach Story (1942) - 1 hr 28 mins


A seemingly happy couple, Tom and Gerry Jeffers (Joel McCrea and Claudette Colbert) have been married for a few years now, but Tom’s failure to get his architectural project funded has put a strain on both their finances and marriage. Gerry finally decides that it would be better to split up and leaves for Palm Beach in order to get a divorce. However, the trip down does not prove as easy as she had planned. After she loses her suitcase, she comes in contact with many “interesting” people, to say the least. Among them is the unusual John D. Hackensacker III (Rudy Vallée), who is quickly smitten with Gerry, but Tom is not far behind and quickly catches up to his wife in Palm Springs. Now Gerry is determined to use her newfound connection with Hackensacker to get the money for Tom’s project, but Tom might not be able to withhold his identity for much longer!

In a zany comedy that only writer-director Preston Sturges could write, The Palm Beach Story features a great cast in a signature Colbert film. The movie is often slow-paced, but it does have its faster-paced and witty moments. Suffice it to say, The Palm Beach Story is not for everyone. Even if you’re already a Sturges fan, this one might not make the top of your list, but it is certainly an experience nonetheless, especially when its sparkling, madcap humor is at its best! I do recommend it!

Availability: Youtube, Amazon video, Googleplay, DVD, and Blu-ray.

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