Cary Grant Movie Recommendation #4

Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)- 1 hr 46 mins


If your looking for something a bit weird, but hilarious, Arsenic and Old Lace is it.

Grant plays Mortimer Brewster, a famous playwright and sworn bachelor, finds himself getting married to his neighbor Eliane. The two stop back at home to pick up their things before the honeymoon, but Mortimer stumbles upon a bit of a situation when he finds a corpse in the window seat and several bodies in the basement that his Aunts seem to have poisoned. Not to mention his psychopathic brother (Raymond Massey) whose come back and brother who thinks that he's Teddy Roosevelt (John Alexander).

Watch this now, or wait until Halloween, when this movie takes place, for a crazy night!

- Olivia

Availability: Amazon, Youtube, Googleplay, and on DVD. 

Director Frank Capra, Cary Grant, and Priscilla Lane on the set

Director Frank Capra, Cary Grant, and Priscilla Lane on the set

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