Cary Grant Movie Recommendation #2

The Philadelphia Story (1940)- 1 hr 52 mins

I was thinking about saving this recommendation as one of Katherine Hepburn's Star of the Month recommendations, but I simply could not wait. Hepburn stars as a Philadelphia socialite, Tracy Lord, who divorced fellow socialite C.K. Dexter Haven (Cary Grant) two years ago and is now planning to marry the wealthy, self-made George Kittredge (John Howard). However, when Dexter returns, and with two reporters (James Stewart and Ruth Hussey) in tow, Tracy's feelings become unclear as she discovers who she really is and who of the three men she loves.

The film offers a mix of comedy that includes, slapstick, screwball, and some fast lines. Not to mention Stewart's hilarious drunk scene, the beginning when Grant pushes Hepburn's character (pictured below), and a surprising ending.



Availability: Amazon, Youtube, Google play, DVD, and now on Blu-ray 

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