Weekend Watch 10/13-10/14

What I’m watching this weekend: Topper (1937)- 1 hr 37 mins


Topper is a fanciful romantic comedy, which tells the story of a young and rich couple that die in a car accident. Now ghosts, they’re hoping that a good deed will get them into heaven. They decide to “help” their old “friend,” Cosmo Topper (Roland Young).

Availability: Youtube, Amazon video, Googleplay, and on DVD.

  • Purchase DVD: https://www.amazon.com/Topper-Collection-Takes-Trip-Returns/dp/B071GXZF89/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_74_t_0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=J8G1DENCTXVJY0AQ2RKH