Ingrid Bergman Movie Recommendation #3

Notorious (1946)- 1 hr 42 mins


Tensions rise while undercover agents Devlin (Cary Grant, center) and Alicia (Ingrid Bergman, right) must keep their cover against Nazi Alexander Sebastian (Claude Rains, left)

Tensions rise while undercover agents Devlin (Cary Grant, center) and Alicia (Ingrid Bergman, right) must keep their cover against Nazi Alexander Sebastian (Claude Rains, left)

I wouldn't be right for me to not make at least one of my 4 movie recommendations for Bergman a Hitchcock film. Of the three that they did make together this week's recommendation is probably the best. It has a great cast, the classic image based storytelling of Hitchcock, and of course, suspense!

Bergman plays Alicia Huberman, a woman related to a convicted Nazi war criminal. She has the ideal connections to help remove the remnant of Nazis in South America, and with the help of government Agent Devlin (Cary Grant), Alicia becomes a spy. But as Alicia grows closer to the Nazis, and Devlin, the affections of Nazi Alexander Sebastian, too, grows serious. Alicia wonders how far must she integrate herself for the sake of information even when it might put everything she now values at stake. 

Enjoy and be sure to comment below!

- Olivia


Hitchcock working on the set with Grant and Bergman

Hitchcock working on the set with Grant and Bergman

Availability: Youtube (free, but in poor condition), DVD, and Blu-ray

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