Weekend Watch 2/17-2/18

What I'm Watching this Weekend: You'll Never Get Rich (1941) - 1 hr 28 mins


Hello everyone, 

I hope you enjoyed last week's "Weekend Watch", and I am excited to this weekend be watching and sharing with you another favorite: You'll Never Get Rich (1941), a musical and romantic comedy.

I first watched You'll Never Get Rich about seven to eight years ago, maybe more, but it wasn't until just a few years ago that it became a pretty regular watch due to my interest and growing appreciation for dancing, something that You'll Never Get Rich is full of! The plot itself makes the film a delightful musical comedy. Suspected of philandering with a chorus girl, Sheila Winthrop (Rita Hayworth), by his wife (Freida Inescort), Broadway producer Martin Cortland gets his show's choreographer Robert Curtis (Fred Astaire) to take her out in order to dissuade his wife from the truth. However, when Curtis is drafted and the Sheila ends up visiting friends at the same military camp, they both fall in love amid a string of misunderstandings and remarkable dance numbers. Astaire's effortless elegance and Hayworth's ability to make the art of dancing look completely natural and easy, brighten up each scene. They are supported in their first film together by a wonderful array of music by the song writer Cole Porter. Be sure to check out the video below to see a clip from one of the earlier dance numbers in the film, and comment below to let me know if you enjoyed the film!

- Olivia


Availability: Amazon, Googleplay, DVD, and now on Blu-ray!

  • Purchase DVD: https://www.amazon.com/Youll-Never-Rich-Fred-Astaire/dp/B00000F9GK
  • Purchase Blu-ray: https://www.amazon.com/YOULL-NEVER-RICH-FRED-ASTAIRE/dp/B06ZYR2KG7