Ingrid Bergman Movie Recommendation #4

The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958)- 1 hr 46 mins



It's been so hard figuring out just what to pick for Ingrid Bergman's four movie recommendations as star of the month, but this last one was a particularly hard choice. There's For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943), Gaslight (1944), and Anastasia (1956), but I thought that after picking three films from the early part of Bergman's career, I should choose one from her later career. That is why I have chosen The Inn of the Sixth Happiness. A biopic, the film tells story of missionary Gladys Aylward (Ingrid Bergman), who made it her life's mission to serve the people of China from her first arrival to Japan's invasion at the beginning of WW2 (1938).

The film, though somewhat fictionalized for the sake of romance, is very moving. The film actually caused Bergman to later convert to Christianity. I will have a link below to read up more on the effect of this movie on her life.

- Olivia

Availability: Amazon, Youtube, Googleplay, DVD, and Blu-ray

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