Joan Crawford Movie Recommendation #2

Possessed (1947) - 1 hr 48 mins


Her second film after her Oscar winning performance in her comeback vehicle Mildred Pierce (1945), Possessed (1947) stars Crawford in another melodrama that garnered her another Oscar-nominated performance as the psychologically disturbed Louise. Found wandering the streets of DC aimlessly, Louise is taken to a psychopathic ward where she tells her complex story.

A nurse at the home of the wealthy Graham family, Louise falls in love with one of their neighbors, David Sutton (Van Heflin). But when she finds that David doesn't share her serious affection, her obsession for him grows and she becomes possessed with doing anything to get him back, maybe going as far as murder.

Shot by the wonderful cinematographer Joseph A. Valentine, Crawford is hauntingly believable as the distressed Louise, proving herself once again in this gothic-like melodrama. She certainly gives β€œThe Queen of Melodrama,” Bette Davis, a run for her money!

Availability: Youtube, Amazon video, Googleplay, DVD, and Blu-ray.

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