Katharine Hepburn Movie Recommendation #4

On Golden Pond (1981)- 1 hr 49 mins


Although parenthetically outside of the realm of classic film, On Golden Pond is a staple if you are looking to get a full view of Hepburn's career and range, or to simply watch a great film! 

In On Golden Pond, Hepburn stars alongside another classic movie star, Henry Fonda, as the elderly Norman and Ethel Thayer. Every year they spend their summer at their cottage on Golden Pond. When their daughter Chelsea (Jane Fonda) visits with her new fiancé and his teenage son, Billy, Norman and Chelsea's strained relationship resurfaces. However, when Chelsea leaves Billy with the Thayers for the summer, relationships heal and form. 

On Golden Pond is a wonderful film, with great Oscar winning performances from Katharine Hepburn and Henry Fonda as a true to life elderly couple facing their last years together. 

Availability: Amazon, Googleplay, and DVD.

  • Purchase DVD: https://www.amazon.com/Golden-Pond-Special-Katharine-Hepburn/dp/B0000JBALO

  • Purchase Blu-ray: https://www.amazon.com/Golden-Pond-Collectors-Blu-ray/dp/B00OCFHH9Q/ref=sr_1_1?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1535316242&sr=1-1&keywords=on+golden+pond+blu+ray&dpID=51kyUyzbgtL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch