Katharine Hepburn Movie Recommendation #3

Pat and Mike (1952)- 1 hr 35 mins


In the most successful of their many screen pairings, Hepburn and Tracy are dynamite as Pat and Mike! Pat (Hepburn) is an athletic instructor, but she is also an aspiring athlete.

When Pat enters a pro golf tournament, she is able to get extremely far until her well-meaning fiancé shows up. Then, she gets nervous. Sports manager Mike Donovan (Tracy) picks up on this, but he also notices her talent. He signs her, trains her, and also tries to keep the couple apart with the goal of helping her to win, but it becomes especially personal when the two begin falling for each other.

Availability: Amazon, Googleplay, and DVD.

  • Purchase DVD:https://www.barnesandnoble.com/p/dvd-pat-and-mike-spencer-tracy/3623176/2660228850627?st=PLA&sid=BNB_DRS_New+Marketplace+Shopping+Media_00000000&2sid=Google_&sourceId=PLGoP164955&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn4ncBRCaARIsAFD5-gUCWXmaxH7DCbyQqQlMXIAdNfd7ndaJ202QJoYSDHHyvSSolX1W-l4aAk8PEALw_wcB