Katharine Hepburn Movie Recommendation #1
Alice Adams (1935)- 1 hr 39 mins
Alice (Katharine Hepburn) comes from a poor and troubled working class family and is determined to climb the social ladder. Most people only snub her and her and family, but the wealthy Arthur Russell (Fred MacMurray) is taken by her quaint charm. Things may be looking up for Alice.
In what might have been a mundane plot, Hepburn gleams as the natural and innocent, but ambitious, Alice Adams. Enjoy!
Availability: Amazon, Googleplay, and DVD.
- Purchase DVD:https://www.bestbuy.com/site/alice-adams-dvd-1935/25497114.p?skuId=25497114&ref=212&loc=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn4ncBRCaARIsAFD5-gXzfFLo5OozSkSqZmqZXCM9hI66nKfg5ekKjWZy02cq_1xEV0-WtkcaAtQKEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
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