Spencer Tracy Movie Recommendation #1


Boys Town (1938)- 1 hr 47 mins

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Based on a true story, Spencer Tracy stars as Father Flanagan in his Oscar winning performance. Father Flanagan runs a juvenile detention center called "Boys Town," founded on the belief that there is no such thing as a bad boy. Now Flanagan's goal is to make the boys better people with a chance at the same opportunities that most boys have given the right environment. However, when Whitey Marsh (Mickey Rooney) comes to town, he might be the one that tests the Father's mission. 

Boys Town is a wonderful, tender movie, supported by a great cast of young boys, in particular Mickey Rooney. Enjoy, and let me know in the comments your thoughts on the film.

- Olivia


Spencer Tracy with Mickey Rooney in Boys Town

Spencer Tracy with Mickey Rooney in Boys Town


Availability: Googleplay, Youtube, Amazon, DVD, and Blu-ray.

  • Purchase DVD: https://www.amazon.com/Boys-Town-Spencer-Tracy/dp/B004VPURYO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1524010658&sr=8-1&keywords=boys+town+dvd