Grace Kelly Movie Recommendation #2

The Country Girl (1954)- 1 hr 44 mins


William Holden, Grace Kelly, and Bing Crosby

William Holden, Grace Kelly, and Bing Crosby

Welcome back, 

I hope that you like High Noon (1951). For this month's second Grace Kelly movie recommendation, I have picked out her first film with Bing Crosby and the film for which she won her only Oscar, though debatably underserved, The Country Girl.

Kelly stars as Georgie Elgin, the wife of a once successful performer Frank Elgin (Bing Crosby) , who Director Bernie Dodd (William Holden) has just hired to star in a new musical. The problem is that  Elgin struggles with depression and is an alcoholic. Dodd attributes it to Georgie, who may not really be to blame. 

There are some wonderful performances in this film, particularly from Crosby.The events behind the motives and actions of the characters make it an entertaining watch. 

Let me know your thoughts below in the comments.



Availability: Amazon, Youtube, Google play, and DVD.

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