Bette Davis Movie Recommendation #2

All About Eve (1950)- 2 hrs 18 mins


When Eve Harrington (Ann Baxter) is finally able to meet her stage idol, the famous actress Margo Channing (Bette Davis), her world changes. Touched by her seeming innocence and heartbreaking story, Margot and her crowd of friends take her in. They show her just what goes on off-stage in the colorful world of the theater. Eve, however, might just have been unwittingly given the ammunition with which to weave her own colorful plot.

An all-absorbing portrayal of theater life and the clash amongst the people in it, All About Eve is like one fuse after another ready to set off one explosion after another. The relationships in the film are marked by professed loyalties, cut-throat stares, calculated deceptions, and jealous outbursts by a superb cast with writer and director Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s best script at their disposal. Bette Davis is perfect as the reluctantly aging actress Margo Channing, who is ready to go out fighting. It is perhaps her best performance - nuanced, tragic, dramatic, and sarcastically funny all at once. All About Eve paints a striking and eloquent picture of not only theater life but of humanity in general. It is one of the best-written films of all time.

Availability: Youtube, Amazon, Googleplay, DVD, and Blu-ray.

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