Weekend Watch 5/25-5/26

What I’m watching this weekend: Now, Voyager (1942)- 1 hr 58 mins

Annex - Davis, Bette (Now, Voyager)_NRFPT_06.jpg

This weekend I am revisiting a classic melodrama, Now, Voyager (1942). I’ve talked about this film before, so this may not be new for some of you. It stars the “Queen of Melodrama,” Bette Davis, and Paul Henreid. Davis plays wealthy heiress Charlotte Vale, a woman who has grown lonely and despondent due in large part to her mother’s (Gladys Cooper) domineering control over her life. Understanding family members come to her aid, and Charlotte is treated by the venerable Dr. Jaquith (Claude Rains). She leaves his clinic healthy and more self-sufficient, but she is nervous to “test her wings.” Dr. Jaquith decides to send her on a cruise before her trip home. There she meets Jerry (Paul Henreid). Jerry and Charlotte find solace and confidence through each other’s friendship, and they soon fall in love. Jerry, however, is married. The two part, but they struggle to forget the other and move on with life.

The film’s great performances are supported by an Oscar-winning and symphonic-like score by Max Steiner. Not only are the leads excellent, but the supporting cast is as well. Gladys Cooper and Claude Rains nearly steal the show as the controlling mother and wise doctor, respectively! The film may fall under the genre of “Melodrama,” but don’t mistake it for some simple soap. Among some of the film’s qualities already mentioned, its themes of courage and sacrifice have helped it to stand the test of time and rise above any of those aforementioned labels.

- Olivia

Score: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In-UUA0BDM0

Availability: Youtube, Amazon video, Googleplay, and DVD.

  • Purchase DVD: https://www.ebay.com/p/Now-Voyager-1942-dvd-All-New-Irving-Rapper-Bette-Davis-Paul-Henreid/1358382460?iid=272635124081&chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=272635124081&targetid=595232377109&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9003967&poi=&campaignid=1689799111&mkgroupid=66574331915&rlsatarget=pla-595232377109&abcId=1140466&merchantid=101712922&gclid=CjwKCAjwmtDpBRAQEiwAC6lm49uN_K0pZDnQQhvLxA6CgBvYiGmBQv9HXlWUHTiGFt_2qmBx8vCVMBoCg-sQAvD_BwE