April Vault Haul


Always Goodbye (1938)

Merrily We Live (1938)

Dark Victory (1939)

The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939)

Golden Boy (1939)

Margin for Error (1943)

Old Acquaintance (1943)

Vacation From Marriage (1945)

Easter Parade (1948)

Father is Bachelor (1950)*- It falls short at parts, but the first half is really fun and sweet.

Woman on the Run (1950)

Force of Arms (1951)- A bit too soapy at parts, but it has its points

Executive Suite (1953)

Picnic (1955)- A little bit over the top on intensity; see linked post.

 New Watches

Always Goodbye (1938)

Merrily We Live (1938)

The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939)

Margin for Error (1943)

Father is Bachelor (1950)*

Woman on the Run (1950)

Force of Arms (1951)

Executive Suite (1953)

Would Recommend


Would Not Recommend


* Please be aware that one scene includes what was known as "black face." This is in no way an endorsement of that practice.